Our mission

Making family law more efficient & affordable for everyday Americans

We simplify the complex legal process into a guided experience paired with financial analysis, form filing services and on-demand consultations with vetted experts.
Founder Story

It's personal

When my ex-husband asked for a divorce, he also demanded cash, the apartment, alimony and reimbursement of his legal fees. After a year on the case, I got tired of paying tens of thousands of attorney fees yielding no results. 

So, I decided to represent myself in court. In the following 13 court conferences, without a law degree, I beat the opposing attorney team every single time. They had to withdraw all of their demands. This is the origin of Anew. What got me through the knock-down, drag-out fight is turned into technology that can be used by many others.

Anew is not just about divorce. It's everything family law. It's about putting transparency, efficiency and affordability back in the process, so every family can get the legal care they need at a price they can afford to thrive in the next chapter in life.

-Amy Lin, Founder & CEO at Anew

What makes us different

A screenshot of Anew's software, with net worth summary, calculators, to-dos and schedule

We tackle the issues at the core

Financial discovery in days,
not months or years

Our technology removes the most cumbersome tasks in financial discovery, saving you hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars. Most importantly, the financial analysis lays the groundwork and gives you a blueprint for your case.

A true guided experience with clear progress tracking

Our step-by-step instructions give you clarity and confidence in managing your case. Track your to-dos and progress all in one place. Find out the status of your documents - whether they are waiting to be reviewed or already processed by the court.

Only pay for what you need,
no retainer fees, no surprise bills

DIY or experts assisted, you have full control of the costs. You will always know what you are paying for before you are charged. All spending is tracked in the dashboard, because we want to make sure every penny of yours are used to address the most important issues.


What is Anew?

Anew is a tech platform making family law more efficient and affordable for everyday Americans. We simplify the complex legal process into a guided experience paired with financial analysis, legal filing services and on-demand consultations with vetted experts. We are a pre-launch start-up, meaning our product is not available yet to the general public and only certain features are accessible by our beta users. You can sign up for beta access here.

Are you a law firm?

No, we are not. We are a technology company. We use software to facilitate certain parts of the legal process, particularly information-gathering in discovery and certain financial calculations. The information we provide is not legal advice and should not be a substitute for the advice of a licensed professional.

How safe is my information?

We take the same security measures as large banks and financial institutions to encrypt and protect your financial data and personal information. We will never sell your data. Your information is safe with us, just it is with TurboTax, PayPal and Chase.

How much does Anew cost?

Our services start at $599. For a limited time, we are offering free access to our beta product in financial discovery. Get on the waitlist here.

Where are you located? Are you compliant with my state’s jurisdiction?

We are based in New York City. Our beta product only includes the financial discovery tools, which are state-agnostic. In the near future, we will launch the legal filing services state by state. 

Still have questions?

Email us at amy@loveanew.co
