Redefine your next chapter

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It is about money

Money matters, and divorce should not be so expensive. With Anew, you save the high attorneys' fees and spend it on mortgage payments or your kids' tuition.

of divorce cases in court are  money fights

$5k - $10K

average cost of a certified divorce financial analyst

$20K- $40K

average cost of a divorce attorney

The Anew Advantage

Instant financial clarity
at a fraction of the traditional costs

We automate the most cumbersome tasks in financial discovery, and gather key data points to enable you to make informed decisions.

Net worth summary

A snapshot of your assets, debts and investments, plus what could be considered marital vs. separate

Calculators for home equity split, alimony & child support

We do all the math for you based on the court guidelines, and lay out all the tax implications.  
A screenshot of Anew user dashboard, showing the sections of net worth, equitable distribution, task tracking, spousal maintenance and child support calculators and other tools for scenario planning.

Income & expenses report

We auto-categorize all transactions on your accounts and identify potential issues for further review.

Settlement planning

How much you will need to stay in the house? Will the settlement be enough after alimony ends? Play out every scenario through our settlement planning tools to make informed decisions.
writing on paperwork on a desk, showcasing DIY form filing can be easy through Anew.

Paperwork? All handled!

Step-by-step instructions with live support

We fill out the applicable forms for you and provide you information on the overall filing process.

Track your to-dos and case status

You will always know where things stand - what you need to do next, the status of the documents and every cent you spent on the divorce.

DIY or experts assisted,
you decide

The focus is always on you and helping you resolve the case. You can DIY the legal forms through our self-serve software. You can also hire attorneys, financial analysts, and mediators in our network to help you with certain aspects of the case. The best part is your money is always spent on addressing the most important issues.
Flat fee
DIY form filings
Clear pricing
Experts, no retainer fee
How it works

It really is not as hard
as you think

Create your account

Get onboarded by answering a few questions about your background and determine what's applicable.

Complete financial disclosure

Get a full overview of your net worth, income & expenses and perform key calculations.

Manage the case progress

Track your progress, know your to-dos and monitor case status all in one dashboard. It's not just about managing the case, but also managing your stress.

Settlement planning

With our settlement planning tools, we let you run numbers in different scenarios and understand the financial & tax consequences. DIY and/or get experts' assistance at any time.

Finalize the agreement and submit all forms

Customize the settlement agreement and review all the legal forms. Move on to the next chapter!


What are the differences between divorce and separation? 

Both divorce and legal separation can involve legal processes, negotiations, and agreements related to financial matters, child custody, and other issues. A legal separation is when a married couple decides to live separately but remains legally married. A divorce, however, is the legal dissolution of marriage and once finalized, it’s not reversible. 

How long does a divorce take?

On average, it lasts 18 months and it could be longer depending on the caseload of your local court.

What is financial discovery?

Financial discovery refers to the legal process by which both parties gather and exchange information about their respective financial situations. This is a critical step in divorce proceedings, as it helps ensure transparency and fairness in the division of assets, determination of alimony or spousal support, and resolution of other financial matters. Financial discovery serves as the basis for the case. We offer a Financial Discovery Guide to help you navigate the process.

Is Anew applicable in a high-conflict case? 

High-conflict or uncontested, what matters the most are the facts and evidence. That’s where Anew comes in to help you gather the facts in the financial discovery and enable you to make informed decisions. You can use Anew's financial discovery tools in any case, whether you are working on your own or working with an attorney and a financialy analyst.

What is Anew?

Anew is a tech platform making family law more efficient and affordable for everyday Americans. We simplify the complex legal process into a guided experience paired with financial analysis, legal filing services and on-demand consultations with vetted experts. We are a pre-launch start-up, meaning our product is not available yet to the general public and only certain features are accessible by our beta users. You can sign up for beta access here.

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